SAGOPEC Energies International Inc,
your centre for all your lab and chemical services.

Best Quality Oil & Gas Products

About Us

We are a research and development center for the oil and gas industry.

This includes conducting special core analysis & enhanced oil recovery studies on core for the oil & gas industry.

SAGOPEC Investments routinely takes on complex projects such as designing environmentally friendly drilling fluids for the oil and gas industry and applying nanotechnology in oil and gas

In addition, we provide short courses/training and related software packages for oil and gas applications.

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Our Services

Services provided in the research, experimenting, and testing of oil and gas products are critical to ensuring that the industry meets the high-quality standards required for safe and efficient operations.

Core Sectors


Wastewater Treatments

  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Municipal & Industrial Wastewater treatment
  • Wastewater Operations Consulting
  • Collection System Design
  • Drinking water treatment and plant design
  • Portable water reuse and Recycling
  • Contaminants of emerging concern

Water desalination

  • Storm Water Quality
  • Surface Water Quality Monitoring
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
  • Flood Plain Mitigation
  • Impaired water recovery
  • Water quality and laboratory testing

Technologies used

  •   Adsorption
  •   Filtration (Membrane and Granular)
  •   Disinfection (UV, OZONE, CL2)
  •   Advanced Oxidation
  •   Air stripping
  •   Corrosion and stabilization
  •   Ion exchange
  •   Membrane bioreactors (MBR)


Air Quality

  • Air Quality Engineering
  • Air Pollution Control Engineering and Design
  • Air Source Testing and modelling
  • Ambient Air and Meteorological Monitoring
  • Continuous Emissions Monitoring
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Natural resources Management
  • Aquatic ecology
  • Biological monitoring
  • Wetland restoration and delineation
  • Watershed modelling, monitoring and erosion control
  • Hazardous waste management, polluted site remediation and waste minimization
  • Soil and Groundwater Contamination Investigations
  • In Situ Soil and Groundwater Cleanup
  • Water Conservation Plans
  • Pollution Prevention Plans
  • Oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Estimate
  • Noise assessment and mitigation
  • Environmental audits and assessment
  • Regulatory compliance and permitting
  • Mobile spatial data collection and reporting GIS


Renewable and Biogas

Oil & Gas

Bioprocessing & renewables

Industrial Biotechnology

  •   Biochemical/biomass
  •   Cellulosic ethanol
  •   Algae-based biofuels



Featured Products

Chemical lab products are highly important and essential tools for scientists, researchers, and students in the field of science and technology.

Research Blogs

Chemical lab products are highly important and essential tools for scientists, researchers, and students in the field of science and technology.

Interested? Shop These Products!

Are you looking for high-quality lab equipment and chemicals for your scientific research? Look no further! Our store offers a wide range of products at affordable prices.

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