Relative Permeability Curves Measurements

Relative permeability curves are important for characterizing the flow behavior of multiphase fluids (such as oil and water) in porous media. These curves provide information about the fractional flow of each phase as a function of saturation. To measure relative permeability curves, the following steps are typically involved: The resulting relative permeability curves provide information …

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Zeta Potential (a) and DLS (b) measurements for nanofluids

Zeta potential (a) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) (b) measurements are commonly used techniques for characterizing nanofluids. Let’s explore each measurement in the context of nanofluids: (a) Zeta Potential Measurements: Zeta potential measurements in nanofluids help determine the surface charge and stability of nanoparticles dispersed in a liquid medium. Nanoparticles tend to aggregate or agglomerate …

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Synthesis of Janus Nanoparticles (JPNP)

I have been researching the synthesis of Janus Nanoparticles (JPNP) and have found some interesting results. It appears that JPNPs can be synthesized using a variety of methods, including emulsion polymerization, self-assembly, and electrochemical deposition. The choice of method depends on the desired properties of the JPNPs, such as size, shape, and surface chemistry. The …

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